On a group in FB there was a very hot
discussion going on PREDESTINATION started by the below paragraph posted in the
group. There were obviously many comments for and against PREDESTINATION, with
each group member trying his/her best to justify his/her stance for/against
PREDESTINATION.I too being a group member put my views, first against
PREDESTINATION and then after some more thinking ( its according me ) in
support of PREDESTINATION .I am still not satisfied with both my views and feel
that we all in the group were missing/overlooking some vital element in
this topic .It could be of course out of our ignorance and there is nothing
much wrong about being ignorant. Ignorance can be removed with true knowledge.
True knowledge comes with learning, but the learning effort must be unbiased,
objective, un-interfered by any previous ideas of the subject and most
importantly devoid of any ego. Exactly this is what troubles me! How can one
achieve this feat of being unbiased, objective, un-interfered by our
opinions/ideas about the subject & be devoid of any ego at the same time?
Our mind (ego) is always in a state of comparison of current with the past (be
it an experience, event, reading or anything and everything). This is its
nature! How can one make the mind work against its very own nature? I really
don’t know but I certainly did realize one thing that if not all, most of us in
the group were not learning but teaching! The subtle Ego in everyone was at its
play here. The very first rule, I learned in my just begun spiritual journey
was to kill the ego. I could see that the Ego (including mine, hence the very
cause of this article) was at its zenith here. I am being confronted at every
step by the very thing I was/am trying to run away from! Isn’t it a paradox?
Thoughts are incessant and will never stop so
let me abruptly go back to the main topic of discussion, below is a small
paragraph depicting a QA session between a seeker and Ramana Maharishi-
A very interesting discussion with Ramana
Q: I can understand that the outstanding events
in a man’s life, such as his country, nationality, family, career or
profession, marriage, death, etc., are all predestined by his karma, but can it
be that all the details of his life, down to the minutest, have already been
determined? Now, for instance, I put this fan that is in my hand down on the
floor here. Can it be that it was already decided that on such and such a day,
at such and such an hour, I should move the fan like this and put it down here?
Ramana: Certainly. Whatever this body is to do and
whatever experiences it is to pass through was already decided when it came
into existence.
Q: What becomes then of man’s freedom and
responsibility for his actions?
Ramana: The only freedom
man has is to strive for and acquire the jnana which will enable him not to
identify himself with the body. The body will go through the actions rendered
inevitable by prarabdha and a man is free either to identify himself with the
body and be attached to the fruits of its actions, or to be detached from it
and be a mere witness of its activities." - from Be As You Are
(The above quotes are via Hep Yo in another
group. )
Various People’s thoughts on Predestination.
He grows up with this attitude that “I am the
center.” By and by he will demand more. A child’s demands are very simple; they
can be supplied. But as he will grow his demands will become more and more
complex. Sometimes it will not be possible to supply them, to fulfill them.
Sometimes it may be absolutely impossible. He may demand the moon, or anything.
The more he will grow, the more the demands
will become complex, impossible. Then frustration sets in, and the child begins
to think that now he is being deceived. He has taken it for granted that he was
the center of the world. Now problems will be there, and by and by he will be
dethroned. When he becomes an adult, he will be completely dethroned. Then he will
know that he is not the center. But deep down the unconscious mind goes on
thinking in terms of him being the center.
People come and ask me whether their fate is
determined. They are asking whether they are so important, so significant for
this universe that their fate must be determined beforehand. “What is my
purpose?” they ask. “Why was I created?” This childhood nonsense that you are
the center creates these questions like, “For what purpose am I created?”
You are not created for any purpose. And it is
good that you are not created for any purpose; otherwise you would be a
machine. A machine is created for some purpose. Man is not created for some
purpose, for something - no! Man is just the outflowing, overflowing creation.
Everything simply is. Flowers are there, and stars are there, and you are
there. Everything is just an overflowing, a joy, a celebration of existence
without any purpose.
But this theory of fate, of predetermination,
is what creates problems, because we take it as a theory. We think that
everything is determined, but nothing is determined. However, this technique
uses this as a device. When we say everything is determined, this is not said
to you as a theory. The purpose is this: that if you take life as a drama,
predetermined, then it becomes a dream. For example, if I knew that this day,
this night, I was going to talk to you, and it is predetermined what words I
should speak on this day, and if it is so fixed that nothing can be changed -
that I cannot utter a single new word – then suddenly I am not related at all
with this whole process because then I am not the source of action.
If everything is
determined and if every word is to be spoken by the universe itself or by the
divine or by whatsoever name you choose, then I am no more the source of it.
Then I can become an observer - a simple observer.
If you take life as predetermined then you can
observe it, then you are not involved. If you are a failure, it was
predetermined; if you are a success, it was predetermined. If both are
predetermined, both become of equal value - synonymous. Then one is Ravana, one
is Ram, and everything is predetermined. Ravana need not feel guilty, Ram need
not feel superior. Everything is predetermined, so you are just actors, you are
just on a stage playing a role.
2.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on:Destiny & Free
will :
Can you see a moment without a past? It is
impossible. Can there be a moment without a future? Again, it is impossible.
So, if you ask me, 'Is life the past or the future', I would say that it is a
combination of both. Destiny and free will are not two different things. They
are two sides of the same coin. What do you call as destiny? When your
thoughts are not in alignment with what is happening, then you call it as
destiny. When your thoughts are in alignment with what is happening, then you
call it as free will. It all depends on the direction of your thoughts.
3.OSHO: Heal Yourselves:
Are Our Lives Predestined or Not?
Osho : This is not a personal
problem, it is a philosophical question. Our lives are both predestined, and
they are not. Both yes and no. And both answers are true for all questions
about life. In a way, everything is predetermined. Whatever is physical in you,
material, whatever is mental, is predetermined. But something in you constantly
remains undetermined, unpredictable. That something is your consciousness.
If you are identified with your body and your
material existence, in the same proportion you are determined by cause and
effect. Then you are a machine. But if you are not identified with your
material existence, with either body or mind – if you can feel yourself as
something separate, different, above and transcendent to body-mind – then that
transcending consciousness is not predetermined. It is spontaneous, free
Consciousness means freedom; matter means
slavery. So, it depends on how you define yourself. If you say,” I am only
the body,” then everything about you is completely determined. A person who
says that man is only the body cannot say that man is not predetermined.
Ordinarily, persons who do not believe in such a thing as consciousness also do
not believe in predetermination.
Persons who are religious and believe in
consciousness ordinarily believe in predetermination. So, what I am saying may
look very contradictory. But still, it is the case. A person who has known
consciousness has known freedom. So only a spiritual person can say there is no
determination at all. That realization comes only when you are completely
unidentified with the body. If you feel that you are just a material existence,
then no freedom is possible.
With matter, no freedom is possible. Matter
means that which cannot be free. It must flow in the chain of cause and effect.
Once someone has achieved consciousness, enlightenment, he is completely out of
the realm of cause and effect. He becomes absolutely unpredictable. You cannot
say anything about him. He begins to live each moment; his existence becomes
Your existence is a river-like chain in which
every step is determined by the past. Your future is not really future; it is
just a by-product of the past. It is only the past determining, shaping,
formulating and conditioning your future. That is why your future is
Skinner says that man is as predictable as
anything else. The only difficulty is that we have not yet devised the means to
know his total past. The moment we can know his past, we can predict everything
about him. Based upon the people he has worked with, Skinner is right, because
they are all ultimately predictable. He has experimented with hundreds of
people and he has found that they are all mechanical beings, that nothing
exists within them that can be called freedom.
But his study is limited. No Buddha has come
to his laboratory to be experimented upon. If even one person is free, if even
one person is not mechanical, not predictable, Skinner’s whole theory falls. If
one person in the whole history of mankind is free and unpredictable, then man
is potentially free and unpredictable. The whole possibility of freedom depends
on whether you emphasize your body or your consciousness.
If you are just an outward flow of life, then
everything is determined. Or are you something inner also? Do not give any
preformulated answer. Do not say “I am the soul “, if you feel there is nothing
inside you , then be honest about it. This honesty will be the first step
toward the inner freedom of consciousness. If you go deeply inside, you will
feel that everything is just part of the outside. Your body has come from
without, your thoughts have come from without, even your self has been given to
you by others.
That is why you are so fearful of the opinion
of others – because they are completely in control of yourself. They can change
their opinion of you at any moment. Yourself, your body, your thoughts are
given to you by others, so what is inside? You are layers and layers of outside
accumulation. If you are identified with this personality of yours that comes
from others, then everything is determined.
Become aware of everything that comes from the
outside and become non-identified with it. Then a moment will come when the
outside falls completely. You will be in a vacuum. This vacuum is the passage
between the outside and the inside, the door. We are so afraid of the vacuum,
so afraid of being empty that we cling to the outside accumulation. One must be
courageous enough to dis-identify with the accumulation and to remain in the
vacuum. If you are not courageous enough, you will go out and cling to
something, and be filled with it. But this moment of being in the vacuum is
If you are courageous enough, if you can
remain in this moment, soon your whole being will automatically turn inward.
When there is nothing to be attached to from the outside, your being turns
Then you know for the first time that you are something that transcends everything you have been thinking yourself to be. Now you are something different from becoming; you are being. This being is free; nothing can determine it. It is absolute freedom. No chain of cause and effect is possible.
Then you know for the first time that you are something that transcends everything you have been thinking yourself to be. Now you are something different from becoming; you are being. This being is free; nothing can determine it. It is absolute freedom. No chain of cause and effect is possible.
(below are the
excerpts of discussions on the above url , I couldn’t know the names of authors though but I acknowledge borrowing
their writings here and am indebted to them )
If destiny is
predefined, then why do our actions affect our karma?
If Indeed true! Then,
- "If whatever I'll do in my life is already predefined, then certainly I shouldn't be held accountable for my actions."
- "After all, it's all fated, why should my actions count? Why should they affect my karma?"
Yes, these are all valid questions. But the
point is, not all our actions are predefined. Only those set of actions that
will give rise to predetermined events are predefined. And in our life, we
do both kinds of actions, predefined and not defined. Those set of actions that
were not predefined are known as Kriyamana Karma (accumulating actions). It is
mostly these actions that affect our karma, not the preordained ones. Generally,
preordained events and actions being effects of our past life actions, once
experienced, they get balanced out. But the Kriyamana karma, being
newer actions that we do in this present life, get stored to be experienced
later. Let me give an example for better understanding.
Suppose you had done many good works in your
previous life and for that reason you are destined to be wealthy and famous.
So, if in this life, you have become an engineer or programmer, then you will
feel attracted to develop a software that it will become famous and earn you
money. So most of your actions will be towards fulfilling that objective. You
will be coding day in and day out and doing a lot of things for it. But along
with that you will be doing many other actions that are in no way relevant to
your destined objective. For example, you may see a person who needs some help
and help him out, scold or abuse someone for no reasons other than out of
anger, and many other little things you will be doing that no way contribute to
your destined objective.
- So those set of minor and major actions that do not contribute to your destined experience of wealth and fame are stored to be experienced later. (kriyamana karma or agami karma)
- And those set of actions (like coding, planning etc.) that do contribute to your destined objective are generally not considered unless the sense of doership is attached to them. (prarabdha karma)
representation of the flow of karma in a
5. How can an individual possibly get rid of bad karma if it has
already been defined in his destiny?
Unfortunately, one can't. There is no way
to escape from the effects of actions without experiencing their results. Just
like an arrow already shot cannot be taken back, prarabdha karma that
has already set out in motion cannot be escaped from. It will catch you sooner
or later.
After knowing Devaki's 8th son was going to kill him, Kamsa tried many tricks, methods and plans. But no matter how hard he tried, eventually he had to meet his destiny.
After knowing Devaki's 8th son was going to kill him, Kamsa tried many tricks, methods and plans. But no matter how hard he tried, eventually he had to meet his destiny.
However, whether prarabdha karma can be
avoided or not, depends upon its strength. If one uses his kriyamana
actions for acts of penance and expiation (this includes astrological
remedies), then those new good actions may cancel out or reduce the strength of
prarabdha actions.
Markandeya rishi was destined to be dead at the age of 16. But he engaged himself in the devotion of Shiva and practised austerity sincerely. Hence, due to his devotion and penance by the grace of Lord Shiva he escaped his certain death.
Markandeya rishi was destined to be dead at the age of 16. But he engaged himself in the devotion of Shiva and practised austerity sincerely. Hence, due to his devotion and penance by the grace of Lord Shiva he escaped his certain death.
Also, if one realizes Brahman and acquires the
knowledge, all his actions are burned away, and he becomes free:
yathaidhāṁsi samiddho ’gnir bhasma-sāt kurute
jñānāgniḥ sarva-karmāṇi bhasma-sāt kurute tathā [BG - 4.37]
jñānāgniḥ sarva-karmāṇi bhasma-sāt kurute tathā [BG - 4.37]
As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.
As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.
However, preordained karma that has been
already rolled out, cannot be taken back and one has to experience his prarabdha
just for the current life even after realization of knowledge of Brahman. But a
true jnani sees everything as Brahman and hence prarabdha doesn't affect his
utpanne tattvavijñāne prārabdhaṃ naiva muñcati
tattvajñānodayādūrdhvaṃ prārabdhaṃ naiva vidyate [Nadabindu Up. - 22]
tattvajñānodayādūrdhvaṃ prārabdhaṃ naiva vidyate [Nadabindu Up. - 22]
Even after attaining knowledge of the self prarabdha never exhausts out. But after realization of knowledge prarabdha is not felt by the jnani as he considers the body as unreal.
Even after attaining knowledge of the self prarabdha never exhausts out. But after realization of knowledge prarabdha is not felt by the jnani as he considers the body as unreal.
Apart from jnana, by devotion and grace
of God also one gets liberation from all his stored sinful actions:
sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ [BG - 18.66]
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ [BG - 18.66]
Abandoning all kinds of dharma if you surrender only to Me, I will give you liberation from all sins, you need not worry.
Abandoning all kinds of dharma if you surrender only to Me, I will give you liberation from all sins, you need not worry.
The above examples & views are just a snap
shot of millions of views and opinions about PRE-DESTINY. One cannot be too
sure about an absolutely irrefutable theory or answer of this age-old question.
It appears though that the search is still ON from the human kind. Theories
& opinions are newly founded, expounded & presented in different
contexts, New theories keep on evolving but final answer is still unclear. What
is clear though that those who followed their beliefs in full faith, attained
their goals. Isn’t that exactly what one wants? So, what does it matter which is
true, PRE-DESTINY or free will? I believe that to each one his/her own belief
& absolute faith in it will do the trick.
Just like the Newtonian laws don’t work in
Quantum physics & vice versa so also theories on PRE-DESTINY and free will,
don’t work (or can’t be explained) in each other’s domains. They are in
different domains & may appear to share some aspects, but their laws are
different. One may roughly say that PRE-DESTINY works on matter while
free will works with consciousness (and even that is a question). It
depends on which part of the realm you dwell in or believe in and who you
want to be!
As an afterthought I would like to go to the ancient
Nasidiya sukta to drive home further the point of free will.one can go &
browse the web to know more about this sukta (or you may already know). Just to summarise it in short, the sukta
talks about the how the Cosmos came into being from nothing (or what we call it also as singularity). In
the Singularity rose the desire to
be & this desire set into the motion the beginnings of the Cosmos. I want
to bring to your attention the last 7th verse of this sukta .
इयं विसृष्टिर्यत आबभूव
यो अस्याध्यक्षः परमे व्योमन्त्सो अङ्ग वेद यदि वा न वेद ॥७॥
यो अस्याध्यक्षः परमे व्योमन्त्सो अङ्ग वेद यदि वा न वेद ॥७॥
Whence all creation had its origin,
he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not,
he, who surveys it all from highest heaven,
he knows - or maybe even he does not know
he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not,
he, who surveys it all from highest heaven,
he knows - or maybe even he does not know
The seer (Prajapati Parameshti) of this sukta is clear about how it all
begun (it begun with the desire of that primordial Singularity , out of its
free will to exist in duality .As consciousness and matter).So it is
implicitly indicated that it was not preordained (pre-destined ).It all arose from its freak desire (desire is the seed or cause) , It acted
on its desire ( action is the karma )
and thus started the infinite chain of cause & effect (Karma Phala) .With cause came a predetermined set of effects (note the words set & effects). So,
the creation of matter also created PRE-DESTINY. Matter cannot exist indeterminably,
it must cease to exist at some time. So, matter was predestined to cease and in
that sense only, PRE-DESTINY works. How or in which manner will it cease to
exist would depend upon the preceding action (Karma) which will lead to the proceeding effect (Karma Phala).
Going back to the 7th verse,
the seer is not sure whether the primordial singularity (Consciousness) created it, fashioned it or NOT! The Seer (Prajapati
Parameshti) is neither sure that He, (whom
we consider the highest , all knowing consciousness , the observer ) was himself
aware at the point of creation ( when the
desire appeared ) and the rishi skeptically say –“may be even the singular
consciousness wasn’t aware .
Since it all began with a freak desire
in that primordial Consciousness, is
it not possible that it may end also whenever such a desire rises from the
depths of that Consciousness? End is a certainty but how? When? Only the Consciousness knows! or does he? May
be even he doesn’t know!
“There is a light that shines beyond all
things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the
very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.”
“He who desires the soul, who plays with the
soul, who makes love with the soul, who attains ecstasy in the soul, becomes
his own master and wanders at will through the worlds."
Chandogya Upanishad