The Spirituality Bug
What is Spirituality?
Hmmmm ………………
🤔...... er....he he ...
Well ..I do not really know !!! ,but like everybody else I consider myself to be spiritual .
I have my own definition and philosophy of spirituality & being spiritual.
Like everyone else I feel that it is only me who has understood it and mine is the right perspective.
Actually………. ( just to share with you a secret
🤓 ) I am only just a step short of enlightenment .
Really I swear !
Why ?
Well if you really want to know then here’s WHY ..
After all I have spent a number of years practicing to be a spiritual
person , reading various books ,contemplating and meditating . I have
done pilgrimages to various holy places . I have met many holy men . I
practice now and then , whenever I get time ( actually for whenever
convenient ) for long periods which last for many minutes on the
aspects of being spiritual as mentioned in the Upanishads ,other
spiritual books , or influenced by the life’s of people like Ramkrinsna
Paramahamsa , Swami Vivekananda , Saint Dyaneshwar , Gautam Buddha , Tao
, and hundreds of other such holy men .
Based on my intelligence
and knowledge , I am now able to debate and argue with others to prove
how only my perspective is the right one and how theirs is wrong or to
put it gently how they are slightly off the path .
I consider myself to be now a graduate of spirituality at least , and am progressing towards post graduation .
I now write blogs and am a proud owner of at least two blogs on the
subject .It is early days and as my writings and opinions are a little
ahead of time , there are yet to be any footfalls on my page .I am sure
that it is only a matter of time .
I am just waiting for the day when I will be a Phd in spirituality and raring to start my own Satsang
Now a days after knowing all there is to know about spirituality and enlightenment .
Actually I am just only a step short of enlightenment …
I am almost there …..
I can see it coming …..
Its come , Oh Yes ….. I am enlightened … I am the ONE .
Oh , I cant control this itch …..
Its all over me .. this itch .
I think it’s a phenomenon of only the spiritually enlightened ones . Yes I am sure it is .
This itch is about reading and writing and talking and contemplating
and meditating constantly about spirituality and enlightenment on the
social media , with friends , with whom so ever .
Actually it’s a
bug . When the bug bites you , it takes the control of you , your
thoughts ,your actions & forces you to constantly preach “your”
spirituality . The bug needs to show itself to survive and the itch to
preach is sort of a reaction of the mind . I think Spirituality is
Pathological .
The above article should not be taken
seriously it is just a string of aberrant bubbles from the authors
spiritual mind .hope you don’t mind .
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