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Saturday 11 May 2024

Kailas - An Experience

The night had passed and Brahma Muhurta had begun. I got up and spread the blanket and sat comfortably, it was four o'clock in my wall clock. Although sitting comfortably, my spine was straight as a staff, but the rest of the body was light and relaxed. Earlier, a lot of effort had to be made to achieve this. Now it has almost become a second nature, it does not take much effort.

I closed my eyes and calmed my mind. My mind became like a black void. I could only feel a few ripples on the surface but nothing could go in, neither anything was coming out of that black void. Nothing was visible, but just a black screen. Some time passed like that, now I could hear the ticking of the clock in my ears, slowly that too disappeared. I felt a deep blue heu was enveloping me and my mind.

There was now only me and a blissful solitude in consciousness. Yes, solitude and quietness and an unfamiliar warmth. This warmth seemed to be coming from solitude and pure silence. Slowly it turned into a brilliant silver sky. Even though my eyes were closed, the brillance of that light was very blinding.

My eyes open and I see a vast lake filled with very crystal-clear water. The surrounding area is covered in white snow. Beyond the lake and few small mountains, I see a single but lofty and beautiful snow-capped peak. It seems so familiar. Oh, this is Kailash!

But not a man is to be seen around anywhere. I am alone in the whole region. As I look, that peak starts to turn into a golden hue. I can’t take my eyes off from the scene in my vision. Suddenly a melodious and mesmerizing tune is in my ears, As I look in that direction, I see seven blue luminous spheres descending from the distant sky.

They land in the isolated waters of the lake and for a moment take a dip below the surface and are invisible. In another instant they come out again and are now hovering two feet above the water. In that solitude I felt that melodious music was telling me something, it was calling me into the water, I could not see my body but I was aware of being there. A swan came out of me. I was realizing that it was me. I entered the water and swam towards the blue spheres ………….

Suddenly I came to my senses. I was sitting comfortably in my room. The clock was ticking, it was half past four. I wanted to know what might have happened next but alas! It wasn’t to be.

However, yet, there was simultaneously a sense of inexplicable euphoria ,serene calmness and fulfillment come over me .

I got up and walked towards the portrait of Shree Dutt Maharaj and lighted a small lamp and some incense sticks. As I glanced at Gurudev’s face, It seemed to glow with a mischievous on it today.

Avadhoot Chintan Shri Gurudev Dutt.

Saturday  11/05/2024  09:55 PM 

Ajay Sardesai (Megh)

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