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Saturday 6 April 2024

In The Lotus Of My Soul, I found You


In the passage of my soul's gaze,

Amidst the whispers of time and space,

I embarked on a quest, pure and true,

Seeking the essence of me and you.


In the depths of silence, where echoes dwell,

I sought you, my master, in every shell.

Through realms seen, and realms unseen,

In the lotus of my soul, you always gleam.


Through valleys deep and mountains high,

In the vastness of the endless sky,

I searched for traces, hints of your hue,

And in the lotus of my soul, I found you.


With each breath drawn, and each heartbeat,

In every rhythm, every ounce, in every beat,

Your presence danced, serene and free,

In the sanctuary, where I found me.


On the canvas of My life's design,

In every stroke, colour and line,

Your essence splashed, pure and true,

In the lotus of my soul, I found you.


So let the winds of eternity blow,

And let the rivers of time lazily flow,

For in the depths of my being, I believe,

In the lotus of my soul, you live.

IIसर्वकर्मा सर्वकामा: सर्वगन्धा: सर्वरसह: सर्वमिदं
अभ्यात्तोवाक्यानादार: एष: म आत्मान्तर्ह्रिदये एतत
ब्रम्ह: एतं इति: ई II (छांदोग्य उपनिषद )

II All actions, all desires, all fragrances, all tastes, all this,This is the source of the abhyattovakya: this is in my soul within my heart.Brahma: Etam Iti: E II (Chhandogi Upanishad)


Saturday 06/04/2024, 01:03 PM

Ajay Sardesai (Megh)

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