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Saturday 17 August 2024

The Story of Raikva and King Janashruti Pautrayana

The story of Raikva is found in the Chandogya Upanishad (Chapter 4, Sections 1-3). It highlights the theme of true spiritual wisdom residing in unexpected places and the importance of humility in the pursuit of knowledge.

The Story:

King Janashruti Pautrayana was a well-known and generous ruler. His fame spread far and wide, and he took pride in his charitable deeds. One night, as he lay on his terrace, he overheard a conversation between two swans flying overhead. One swan praised the king's generosity, comparing his fame to the brilliance of the sun. However, the other swan mentioned that despite his greatness, Janashruti could not be compared to Raikva, a poor cart driver who possessed true knowledge of the Self and the universe.

The mention of Raikva intrigued and unsettled King Janashruti. He immediately set out to find this mysterious man, wanting to learn the wisdom that had made Raikva's name more revered than his own.

After a long search, the king found Raikva sitting under a tree, driving his cart. The king approached him with great reverence, offering Raikva 600 cows, a golden necklace, and other treasures in exchange for the knowledge he sought. However, Raikva was unimpressed by these material gifts. He rebuked the king, asking him why he was trying to buy spiritual knowledge with wealth. Raikva emphasized that true wisdom could not be bought.

Realizing his mistake, King Janashruti returned to Raikva with even greater humility. This time, he offered his entire kingdom in exchange for the knowledge that Raikva possessed. Seeing the king's sincerity and humility, Raikva agreed to teach him.

Raikva taught King Janashruti about Samanvaya—the unifying principle of all existence, which is the essence of Brahman (the ultimate reality). He explained that everything in the universe is interconnected, and realizing this oneness is the key to spiritual enlightenment.

Moral of the Story:

1.   True Wisdom Lies Beyond Material Wealth:

o   The story illustrates that spiritual knowledge and wisdom cannot be bought with material wealth or power. Raikva's initial rejection of the king's lavish gifts underscores the idea that true understanding of the Self and the universe comes from within, not from external possessions.

2.   Humility is Essential for Learning:

o   King Janashruti's journey from pride to humility is central to the story. It is only after he humbles himself and sincerely seeks knowledge that Raikva agrees to teach him. This teaches us that humility is a crucial virtue in the pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

3.   Wisdom in Unexpected Places:

o   Raikva, a humble cart driver, possesses profound spiritual knowledge, highlighting that wisdom can reside in the most unexpected places. It is a reminder not to judge others based on their external status or occupation, as true knowledge transcends social and economic boundaries.

4.   The Unity of All Existence:

o   Raikva's teaching about the unifying principle of all existence reflects the core Vedantic idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and part of a single reality, Brahman. Understanding this oneness is essential for spiritual awakening.


The story of Raikva is a powerful lesson in the value of humility, the true nature of spiritual knowledge, and the importance of looking beyond appearances. It encourages seekers to approach the spiritual path with sincerity, to recognize the unity of all existence, and to understand that wisdom and enlightenment cannot be acquired through material means but must be sought with a humble heart

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